An alternative interface to Google Analytics 4, powered by artificial intelligence. Built on Google Analytics and Anthropic's Claude by Analytics Demystified, the global leaders in digital analytics consulting.


What is The Analyst's Companion

The Analyst's Companion is an effort on the part of the leadership at Analytics Demystified to understand how artificial intelligence will impact the digital analytics landscape. We are pretty sure that the emergence of readily accessible large linguistic models is going to have a profound impact on our world, including the world we work in, and so we want to actively participate in that change. Have a look:

This application is not an attempt to replace anyone's job, far from it. In fact, this version of the Companion more or less proves that human input is needed now more than ever in the effort to effectively use digitally collected data in a business context.

But we can collectively work smarter ...

Data Sources

The system as it's currently deployed takes data from a few sources:

Analysis is powered largely by OpenAI and Anthropic's large linguistic models (LLMs) and we will continue to add models and fine tune them to improve the results. In the future we will also be adding more information about Google Analytics and digital analytics in general, as well as adding other inputs to assist in the prompt engineering process that is critical to any use of LLMs.

Our Use of your Google Analytics Data

You do need to give The Analyst's Companion and Web Analytics Demystified, Inc. read-only permission for your Google Analytics (GA4) data but here is how we use it:

Again, we don't need your data, we just need to be able to send it to OpenAI so that it can do it's magic. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please email us directly.

Technology Deployed

The Analyst's Companion is built on Python and Anthropic with with various GPT models depending on the task at hand. The front-end is built in Semantic UI and Javascript.

The "Hear" option is powered by Google Text-to-Speech.

Want to Know More?

If you'd like to know more about the Analyst's Companion, the technology it is built on, or what we are thinking about the future of digital analytics in an artificially intelligent world please email us directly.


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