Fast and Twisty Roads

Sign into Facebook to Get Started

Fast and Twisty Roads leverages the convenience and security of Facebook to authenticate our users. We do not require any special permissions and will never publish to your account without your express permission. We use Facebook to ensure that you are who you say you are, that's it.

Log in with Facebook to get started saving your own Fast and Twisty Roads!

About Your Privacy

Your privacy is hugely important to us at Fast and Twisty Roads and so we want to make sure that you understand what we track and store, and how that data is able to be used. The following information are collected and stored in our database in two categories:

Shared at Your Discretion

  • Roads you have driven (including GPS coordinates)
  • The original date you drove the road (or added it to our database)
  • Your written notes on the road, including quality, presences of cars, etc.
  • Videos of those roads you have recorded or found on the Internet
  • Pictures of those roads you have recorded or found on the Internet
  • Links to those roads you have recorded or found on the Internet

You can choose to share information about the routes you take, the quality of those roads, and video and pictures of the roads. This is controlled at the "per road" level and you can change each road's status at any time.

Never Shared

  • Information about speed and rate of travel
  • Specific information about when you drove the road

We will never share information about how fast you drive your car and details about when you drive (other than the day) with anyone outside of Fast and Twisty Roads. While we do not believe this information can be used to incriminate you in a court of law --- on the off chance you do exceed the speed limit --- our promise is to delete your data fully and completely upon request.

Use of Browser Cookies

Beyond system data we do use cookies to improve the quality of site experience at Fast and Twisty Roads and they are required so that we can maintain your login status from session to session.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy and data use please contact us directly at