Analysis Exchange is a unique way to allow aspiring analysts to demonstrate their competence in digital measurement using freely available data sources and relying on the generosity of existing members of the digital analytics community.

For Students

The process for students works as follows:

  1. Create an Analysis Exchange profile
  2. Select one of the available data sources and question(s) to answer
  3. Submit your analysis back to Analysis Exchange for mentor review and comments
  4. Mentors will provide you feedback based on your work
  5. You can then share your profile with the world!

It is that simple! Once you submit your analysis back it will be assigned to a mentor who will email you directly and provide you feedback. You can do as many projects as you want!

Create an Analysis Exchange profile and get started in Analysis Exchange today!

For Mentors

The process for mentors works as follows:

  1. Create an Analysis Exchange profile
  2. Visit our Projects page and sign up to review a student's work
  3. Work with the student over email on their analysis
  4. Let Analysis Exchange know the project is complete
  5. Provide feedback on the student's work

The trick for Mentors is to only sign up for projects that they know they will be able to provide great feedback on! Students will be giving us feedback on your work so keep that in mind.

Create an Analysis Exchange profile and get started in Analysis Exchange today!

If you still have questions about how the Analysis Exchange works please shoot us an email.

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