Analysis Exchange projects are based on data that is freely available. If you would like to contribute data to our efforts please email us directly. We currently have two data sources:

  1. Google Merchandise Store
  2. Leonardo

Also, before you get started, please make sure to review how to submit your work.

Google Merchandise Store

For those of you interested in online commerce we have several questions based on data collected via the Google Merchandise Store:

  1. Which traffic drivers are working best for the site and which seem to be underperforming?
  2. Which products are driving the most revenue and which seem to be underperforming relative to traffic?
  3. Which pages on the site would you suggest are ripe for optimization or testing? What tests do you suggest?
  4. Which products have high or low look-to-book ratios? Why do you think that?
  5. What are the effects of seasonality on product categories? What recommendations do you have to capitalize on that?
  6. How does shopping / purchase behavior differ by device type? What recommendations would you make to capitalize on those patterns?
  7. What channels are acquiring people vs. resulting in the conversion, and why?
  8. What days of the week and time of day seen to work best for driving conversions? How does each channel affect that?
  9. Do certain products sell better when the visitor arrives from a particular channel vs another and why?
  10. What are the variances in conversion funnel behavior between demographics?
  11. Are there products selling well from an organic search perspective that aren't via paid search? Do we have keywords to cover those gaps?

In general we suggest that you pick one or two of these questions to answer at a time, focusing your analysis and making good use of your time. You can submit as many analyses as you like so pace yourself.

How to Access the Data

You can access the Google Merchandise Store data in Google Analytics using the Analysis Exchange credentials:

Password: data_lover_123!


Leonardo/The International Society for Arts, Sciences and Technology is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that serves a global network of distinguished scholars, artists, scientists, researchers and thinkers through our programs focused on interdisciplinary innovation in the arts, sciences and technology. You can learn more about this great organization via the Leonardo Web Site.

The key activities Leonardo wants visitors to complete are the following:

  1. Newsletter sign ups
  2. Journal subscriptions
  3. LASER Event registration
  4. Donations
  5. Affiliate Memberships
  6. Driving traffic to MIT Press Journals
  7. Driving traffic to MIT Books

Here are the questions the team at Leonardo is interested in:

  1. At a high level, Leonardo wants to understand conversion: where does their converting audience come from and where are they getting visitors who don't convert (and perhaps why do you think they are not converting?)
  2. They would like to better understand first point of interaction (i.e. referral, direct, paid, social, etc.), middle interactions (assisted conversions) and last point of interaction (e.g., conversion or fallout if they did not convert.)
  3. They would like help telling the story of how their programs and publications are doing. For example, what campaign moments online (i.e. blogs, issue releases, events) made bigger moments, how many conversions they received, and the big picture of their audience.
  4. They would like help understanding demographic and interest information to help them create marketing campaigns and interest based content.
  5. They would like help understanding where the current web site is working and where it is failing in terms of dwell time, bounce rate, etc.
  6. They would like any/all technical suggestions to help them make better use of Google Analytics on their site.

How to Access the Data

You can access the Leonardo data in Google Analytics using the Analysis Exchange credentials:

Password: data_lover_123!

How to Submit Your Work

To submit your work please save it in Adobe PDF format and email it directly to us at and we will add it to the review queue. Review time will vary but we have mentors waiting to help so hopefully you will hear back quickly.


Please note that we are not telling you to use Excel or PowerPoint or Tableau or Word ... a big part of being an analyst is how you tell your story so we will leave that up to you. Assume you are presenting your results to business stakeholders and that you need to present in English.

We do need all submissions to be converted to Adobe PDF format prior to submission. All submissions made in any other format will be returned, unopened.

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